Is there an issue with tanning?

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness & Emotional Well-being' started by dexterlablab1, Jul 5, 2011.

    Level 3 Mingler 40%

    It's summer time in the other parts of the world. People love to get that perfect tan. There are several ways on how to get that tan look. Some go for tanning beds and booths, some uses tanning sprays, and some just get out and lay under the sun.

    But what's the problem in getting the tan that you want? So much exposure? Yes, you'll get skin cancer.

    Level 2 Mingler 20%

    It is really possible to acquire such skin disease when the skin is too exposed to sunlight. Tanning sprays is not that safe to be inhaled and so better use/apply it carefully. Should really limit the time of exposure to the sun and must choose the "safe time" to be exposed which is early in the morning.

    Level 1 Mingler 0%

    I'm the type that never can tan anyways so I never bother with it. 15 minutes of sunlight for me is good enough. And to be honest, I don't like how a lot of women tan so much, they at times look ridiculous and unattractive because of the massive amounts of tanning. I like some tanning, but not overexposure.

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