Dihydrodesoxymorphine or Krokodil as it is know in Russia, is one of the most toxic drugs ever discovered in the earth. The drug was invented in 2002, as a cheap substitute for Heroin. It is very easy to produce from over the counter Codeine medicaton. The negative side is that Desomorphine gets you addicted to it with one single dose, which is injected intravenously. The toxins contained in the drug will make your flesh rot until the bones become visible. Average life expectancy of a Desomorphine addict is less than 12 months. Desomorphine is prepared from codeine containing pills, which are mixed with Iodine and Red Phosphorous. Gasoline and battery acid, which are used to wash the crystals add even more toxins to it. There are an estimated 100,000 addicts in Russia itself and very few people come out free once they get addicted (The withdrawal symptoms last one month).