Do you work out?

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness & Emotional Well-being' started by AzH, May 31, 2011.

  1. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    At 33, I'm starting to spread out. My metabolism is finally slowing down and I am starting to show the signs of over eating and not being active enough. I have a desk job, and my main hobby/pastime is based around the computer. I have tried working out, but I lack in motivation and really struggle.

    I recently cleaned out the garage and put together the beginnings of a home gym. It's just the 'using it' part that I struggle with.

    If you work out, what do you do, and how do you keep yourself motivated?

  2. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    I work out by swimming - but that's probably because I'm a competitive swimmer. I'm motivated by the urge to drop time and qualify for meets! :D But I see a lot of people who just swim for the fitness and they stay motivated by coming in groups and pushing each other to finish as much laps as they can. It seems to work very well for them and is definitely the most complete exercise you can get! :)

  3. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    I don't work out at all, I definitely should because I'm getting very unhealthy.

    I'm really skinny as I have a fast metabolism, so this isn't a problem, but I get tired out very quickly.

  4. Level 3 Mingler 40%

    I like Zumba DVD's, they are really energetic, teach you dance moves and actually work.

  5. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    I used to take brisk walks with friends. It's good to keep motivated if you have accountability partners. Some days I need to be dragged out of the house because it's too cold outside or simply because I'm lazy, but if your partner stays on top of things, then it's not half as bad. :)

  6. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    I usually work out at the Gym facility we have in my office. I do a lot of cardio exercises and I try lifting some weight every now and then. I am also planning to learn boxing in the near future.

  7. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    Well, since I am at my college campus for the majority of the weekdays, since each of my classes are all in separate buildings that are at least a mile apart, and since I naturally walk like I am power-walking, I count going to my classes as a bit of a workout on the side. During the weekends, I play DDR as a source of exercise and then I practice my martial arts for about an hour and a half. So for me, exercising is also a source of fun and and a stress reliever. And usually, if people exercise hard enough, the body release endorphins (or 'feel-good' hormones to reduce pain) so I like that part too, though I guess that would serve as the stress reliever part. :) Aside from all of that, my motivation to exercise also comes from my desire to keep my body looking fit and slim.

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