A place to share your Birth stories... from how labour started right through to the actual birth.....
My youngest son was the longest so I'll tell my birth story with him. I started of with just having normal back pains afew days before, hardly sleeping because of discomfort. Then saw my midwife and she through the baby was breached and had go for a scan the next day, but that evening the back pain got worse he was pushing down and I was in so much pain so phone my midwife and she told me to go in. Got to the hospital and they took me to the labour room and gave me gas and air, my waters still hadn't gone until the midwife had to examine me and why the baby was. That was at about 11pm, the pain was getting worse and worse they wasn't going to give me any painkillers only the gas and air, I said I needed to push and they said push when you need to and keep doing that until we can see the head, after a while I just wanted to give up until the last push and he was here by half 2 in the morning it was such a good feeling when he was out they cleaned him up and then gave him to me. My 17months old, well, thats a very different birth story as had to do it all basically on my own had no-one with me until the last few seconds.