Alcohol use

Discussion in 'Substance Abuse' started by debs, Apr 7, 2011.

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Do you use alcohol to the extreme?

    DO you feel you need help?

    Are you wanting to stop drinking?

    Do you know how to get the help?
    • Premium Supporter


    I drink a lot, a lot more than I used to and a lot more than I should.

    I would say I drink 3 times a week but I will have a binge drink till I get really drunk.

    I know it's not good or ideal and I wish I could say I want to stop in ways I do but don't have the willpower.

    I don't think it's a problem at the moment because it doesn't interfere with me doing stuff or affect my life in a negative way BUT I am scared about it becoming a big problem I suppose.

    The problem at the moment is if I feel the need for a drink I can't say no so I would say the alcohol has control over me which is never a good thing but I don't think I'm an alcoholic just yet but then again what defines an alcoholic?

  1. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    I am very careful about the amount of alcohol I consume. I don't feel any need to drink, but I drink wine coolers on special occasions. I guess my distaste for alcohol stems from the fact that my father is an alcoholic. He has cirrhosis of the liver and that doesn't stop him from drinking. I don't live with him and that gives him more of a chance to drink, because when I'm around I yell at him and he will ease down on the drinking.

    I don't think the alcoholic can ever understand the pain that they put their family members through. I understand that it's an addiction, but it makes me angry to see how selfish he is. I never want to be like him, and I hope that I don't end up marrying someone who is like him.
    --- merged: May 23, 2011 1:59 AM ---
    I'm glad that you can acknowledge the fact that you drink too much, and more than you should. From your post it seems that you have an issue with drinking, and you can see it yourself, which is a good sign. Please don't fall into the cycle of denying that you have a problem and making excuses for it, because that will lead to no good. Try your best to prevent it from getting worse. Dealing with an alcoholic is hell, absolute hell. I don't know what being an alcoholic feels like, but I'm sure it's just as bad.

  2. Level 3 Mingler 40%

    Alcoholism or being addicted to alcohol can be considered as a great disservice to your body and the health of your family. This addiction can affect all aspects of anybody's life and the peoplea round that person.

    The fight against alcoholism starts with a strong conviction of the person to be free from the shackles of this monster.

    I am fortunate that I have no such problem.

  3. Level 3 Mingler 40%

    I don't drink anymore. I act stupid when I'm drunk and I decided I didn't like it. I don't miss drinking at all, and nobody has given me any attitude about it.

  4. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    i am a casual drinker, i don't really think i need help, and about getting help the best thing you could do to yourself is to get your ass to a clinic and get treated, maybe AA could work on some people but not on all of them, but as with all the drugs it's really hard to escape an addiction you need to have a strong will to get clean.

  5. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    Alcohol never used to be as much of a problem for me when I was younger. Now I am working on slowly decreasing my dependence on it. I used to be a social drinker now I drink an average of 2 to 3 drinks daily. I'm trying to get back to the social drinking stage of once a week or less. However, I eventually want to quite totally.

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