So do you use Pandora? I normally keep it on all day. I used to have to deal with Advertisements but after so many hours they dont allow you to listen anymore, so I upgraded to Pandora One.
I have never tried Pandora. Would you care to testify on its many features and advantages--based on your experience?
I've heard about Pandora before, but wasn't sure if they were a free and legal music site, so I have avoided going there before now. In one place, a woman got sued by the music industry for many millions of dollars for sharing and listening to illegal music online. Though they never really proved that anyone else had downloaded the music she uploaded to the site. Not sure why they didn't just criminally prosecute the owners of the site and sue them. Without these illegal music sites, the users could do no wrong.
I used to listen to Pandora a lot on my iPad but Slacker released a much better iPad application very recently which I switched to. I also picked up some deal to get a free month of the Slacker premium service which is even better. Both of these are free and legal, and the free versions are just fine, mainly you just can't skip songs that much. Still, it's better than normal Internet radio where you can't skip at all and you can't provide feedback as to songs you like and dislike. It's still a toss up to say one is better than the other, they have pros and cons but it's not like you have to make a permanent choice unless you upgrade. These are actually great ways to discover new music you might want to buy, I've discovered all sorts of new artists that way.
LOL thats too funny, I was just talking about Pandora today. I think Pandora is the best thing sense sliced bread. I am also a Pandora One member, it took me two months to mold my radio station. But now the only time I am not listening to Pandora is when I am away from home or my wife is watching TV. I want to get a Iphone 4 so I can take Pandora on the go!
I use Pandora. I'm still a free listener. I found that sometimes the station got out of whack. For example, I have a rock station that now plays Hollywood soundtrack music. I'm not sure how that happened, I must have thumbed up one, so it kept giving me more and more. Its cool how it can suggest music you've never heard before though.
I do! I'm a new user, but I only use it when I want some background noise while doing something. I don't really want to go through the trouble personalizing my radio stations...I'm not good at thinking about who I want to listen to off the top of my head.
I'm a Pandora fan. I love to listen to it while working because I can switch through multiple stations with no problems. I've discovered tons of new artists I didn't know existed before. Since I use it so much, it's time to upgrade my account to the premium level. Pandora is a great service that I hope never goes away.