For my last birthday, I had a carrot cake, which was SO delicious. I'm such a huge fan of carrot cake, it's almost ridiculous. The only reason I don't eat carrot cake every day by the bowl-ful is cause I'd like to be able to fit through the door. It's really good. But, my daughter prefers chocolate cake, like most kids. And, that's alright cause I liked chocolate cake when I was a kid and thought carrot cake was too spicy. Now it's the other way around. Anyway, what flavor cake did you have for your last birthday?
I had ice cream cake. I like vanilla ice cream cake the best because its popular with lots of people. I also like cherry flavor with little bits of cherry in it.
I had a chocolate muffin cake. It was basically an oversized chocolate muffin. It was embarrassing since it was served to me as a surprise at the restaurant, birthday music and all. ._.;
I would like to have a triple delight flavor cake for my last birthday but it was out of stock. I just had a chocolate flavor cake which i also like and i had enjoyed it with friends and family.
The last time I had a birthday cake was when I was 20 years old. My cousin bought a mango cake for me. Since then, we used to buy a cake without any special occasion just to satisfy our cravings.
Chocolate cheesecake, and it was SO heavenly. It was the perfect combination for me. Ah I love cakeeeee!
I love carrot cake, but for my birthday it had to be my absolute favorite. Coconut cake. It reminds me of the homemade cakes my grandmother used to bake for every birthday. I was in love with baking from that point on.