It sucks that i am sick with vehicles. Its strange that i will be all right if i drive by myself, but if i take the car or the plane bad things will happen to me. Feel like vomitting, headache, stomachahe, etc. Will just suffer a lot from those vehicles. It would just ruin my mood. Any of you know some good tips to deal with motion sickness?
There are travel bands that you can buy to help with travel sickness. You can buy the from any pharmacies/chemists Also ginger is also meant to help with sickness too...ginger biscuits, ginger powder, ginger tea.... Keep your face cool sitting at the window and let the wind blow in your face or a little hand held fan. Keep your mind active (mind over matter) Calms pills herbal
When you drive a car, your eyes are usually focused on one point ahead of you on the road and not to the windows. All those images whipping by can be hard for the brain to absorb and process, causing mixed signals. When you are the passenger of a car, avoid looking out the windows as the scene may induce your feelings of motion sickness. Keep your mind busy by chanting or meditating or reading a book. Close your eyes and nap. Or, just talk with the other passengers in the car.