essay about life experience

Discussion in 'General Chit Chat & Discussion' started by Fewepoxy, Sep 7, 2012.

    Level 5 Mingler 80%

    How would drive reduction theory explain a person accepting a new hob with a higher salary but that requires more work and responsibility? Which aspects of hunger are controlled by the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus? What is the principle difference between how achievement motivation theory and arousal theory explain human motivation? Which of the following are reasons why intrinsic motivation might be more advantageous than extrinsic motivation? Which sentence most closely describes the difference between theory X and theory Y types of management? What does Schacter's two-factor theory state about the relationship between emotion and physiological reaction?
    Perceived control over a stressful event results in11. The balanced physiological state we are driven to attain by satisfying our needs is called A. Which of the following factor does research indicate may influence sexual orientation? Seyle's general adaptation syndrome describes A. The effect of low levels of arousal on emotion. Our reactions to stress.

    Our reactions to the different levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Also known for his work on the importance of birth order. Of the standardized intelligence tests, those developed by David Wechsler are among those most widely used. Wechsler defined intelligence as "the global capacity to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment. Several individual tests have been used to test intelligence. They contain two subscales, verbal and performance.
    Group tests, like the SAT measure aptitude, or the capacity to learn and achievement, what has been learned. Mild (50-70), moderate (35-50), severe (20-35), profound (below 20). Thurstone proposed seven categories of primary mental abilities: verbal comprehension, number, spatial relations, perceptual speed, word fluency, memory, inductive reasoning or general reasoning. Each ability could be measured separately and the sum composes intelligence. Involves such skills as those requiring spatial and visual imagery and is generally believed to be much less affected by experience and education than crystallized intelligence. Includes abilities such as reasoning and verbal and numerical skills and is generally believed to be affected by experience and education.

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