Well, I would not really consider myself a very religious person but there are things I firmly believe though not necessary acted on. Believing and acting can sometimes be a whole world apart, you know what I mean. Because i know of some religious groups who are freely giving away free books and magazines, I came to be an avid reader of some literature of religious themes. Would you be willing to read religious books?
Yes, I am reading books related to the Word of God. I love Daily Bread and Campus Journal. I believed it is necessary for us to read books and materials related to God especially the Bible because we composed of Body, soul and spirit. If our body get hungry we eat to satisfy it, we need to feed our spiritual life as well. Because men are not live by bread alone but by every word the proceeds out from the mouth of God.
I read religious books sometimes. I read this book entitled "Laughing with God" and it was very well-written. The author was a young man, too, so his writing style really appealed to me. His humor was just right, and I agree with the points that he had outlined. I'm looking forward to more series regarding this book.
You ask if I'd be willing to read religious books. Well, I would if the books were of a sufficiently high standard. I definitely wouldn't read any scriptural works. I spent enough years of my life studying the scriptures of the vatious religions. I'm done with that part of my search for knowledge. I also wouldn't read religious works of a proselytizing nature. Such books are written at a very low level as they're aimed at the mass market. There is not much one can learn from such books. But, as I said to begin with, I would be willing to read religious books of a more philosophical nature. The books that I read would have to take into account arguments from other fields and perspectives, and they would have to present their case in an intelligent manner.
Yes, I do, because they made up most of my textbooks. I don't like books tailored for the mass market, though. It's like drinking water downed coffee, and I'm not just talking about Americano. Ugh. I like books from the Church Fathers, going back to the tradition.