Direcetgov tell you all the things you need to know about applying for a student load.... http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Educati...tyAndHigherEducation/StudentFinance/index.htm
I hate student finance, they always find a reason to not give it to me When I lived with my parents, they were earning too much for me to get finance, even though I got none of this money they were apparently earning. When I moved out, I hadn't lived at my new address for 3 years to qualify it -_-
I agree be a little more routhless with your excuses lol, Tell em you have lived there for more than 3 years. They have no way of checking as when you move into a new address it can take up to 2 or 3 years to be seen on the register anyway.
My wife has a $28k student loan that we have to pay on for the next 18 years. My advice would be to pay as much as you can on your education. Unfortunately for my wife and I we were poor and had to finance her entire education. Now we have a 18 year long loan that is $286 a month, its like having a 18 year car payment.
And, there's no way around repaying that debt either. Even when you are low on funds or lose a job, those student loan creditors still expect to be paid. That's not an expense you can really cut. It's not an easy debt to resolve. Hopefully, the education will pay for itself. Still, the interest charges alone will add years to your debt.