ShadyX For President!

Discussion in 'Arrivals & Departures' started by ShadyX, May 13, 2011.

  1. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    Hey guys, i just saw this forum and thought i would join up :)

    My name is Dean, i am a 19 year old guy from the united kingdom, i enjoy web design and development and see it as more than a hobby. I am really liking the overall look and design of this forum and will be sure to check back here often!

    Thanks :)
    mcrickeo likes this.

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 3 Mingler 40%

    hey welcome

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Hiya Dean

    Welcome to the forum, hope to catch up with you around
    if you need anything just shout :)
    • Premium Supporter

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Hey Dean :) thanks a lot :)

    Your forum looks awesome to and could prove very useful in the future so I'll be sure to check on yours on a regular basis.

    Thanks for signing up and posting it's really appreciated I hope you enjoy your stay if you ever need anything give us a shout.

  2. Level 1 Mingler 0%

    Thanks for the welcome guys :) and for the compliment rick ;)

    loving this forum too and i look forward to being an active member here :)
    mcrickeo likes this.

  3. Banned

    Welcome ShadyX, thanks for your comments about the design. What websites are you assosiated to that you have worked and designed on??
    • Premium Supporter

    • Staff / Moderator

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Hey Dean, welcome, hope you're okay :) xx

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