
Discussion in 'Arrivals & Departures' started by Chance Peters, May 21, 2011.

  1. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    Hey all, I'm Chance (or Savvy)

    I saw MingleBB the other day and finally decided to join up today. I hope to meet many of you. :)
    See you all around!

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 3 Mingler 40%

    Hey Welcome to our corner of the web :)
    Chance Peters likes this.

  2. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    Hey Craig,
    thanks for the welcome. :) I will see you around.
    • Premium Supporter

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Welcome to the site.
    Crop your avatar it's irritating lol.
    If you need anything give me a shout.
    Nice forum you have pleasure to have you here.
    Would be nice to see you open your forum up on PostLoop then I could spend some time dropping a few posts your way.
    Chance Peters likes this.

  3. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    I planned on it, I don't know why the Facebook integration did that here at MingleBB. I signed up at another forum and didn't experience that but oh well. :p

    Thanks for the compliment on GamerBB! It will be open for posting later today. I'm just working to gain points right now. It should be up within a couple hours. :)

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Hi welcome to Mingle
    If you need anything just shout :)
    look forward to chatting
    Chance Peters likes this.
    • Premium Supporter

    • Staff / Admin

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

    Gonna look into why there forums avatar system isn't cropping correctly.
    I look forward to posting on your forums.
    Chance Peters likes this.

  4. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    Thanks Debs, will do. :)

    Sounds great, thanks. :D
    • Premium Supporter

    • Staff / Moderator

    Level 4 Mingler 60%

  5. Level 2 Mingler 20%

    Hi there,
    thanks for the welcome. See you around. :)

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