Here in Canada, the education system to me seems very flawed. My friend's kids are going through high school right now, so I hear a lot about it from them. Basically, to get a good mark you don't necessarily have to get a good mark. The way to get good marks on tests and exams is to simply cram and memorize the night before or the last two nights before the evaluation. It's simply memorization. A week later and the student remembers none of the content. To me this is very learning is involves..simply memorization. What is your take on this system? How does it differ in other countries? I'm curious to hear other people's experiences.
I live in Canada, and I have two kids who were born here, so they've gone through the education system right from the beginning. I agree with you about the memorization for passing the exams. But I differ about that being the only way to pass. The bulk of the grade actually comes from the regular school work the students have to do. Timely submission of homework, essays, projects, and other regular activities have to be taken care of besides simply showing up for the exam and acing it. The system here is definitely different from that in Tanzania, where I went to school. The main difference is that in Canada more value is placed on mere activity rather than learning, whereas in Tanzania it's learning all the way (at least it used to be that way when I went to school.)
The education system has been flawed since day one in my opinion, i did literally zero work and messed around every single lesson. Revise for a day or two before my major tests at the end of the year, come out with B's and A's Whereas people who tried all year and stressed out over it did much worse, i'm well aware i didn't deserve to do well, the others should have been the ones who succeeded.