There's been a lot in the news recently and a few months ago about assisted suicide and what the implications to people who help someone to die. What are your thoughts to assisted suicide? Should the person who wants to die have the right to ask someone to help them knowing the consequences to the person assisting them to die? Should people have to travel abroad to be able to die or should it be legal here to do the same as some other countries?
I think that it should be 100% for assisted suicide if the person is really old,terminally ill or extremely physically/mentally damaged. What's the point of living pointless years or months if you know your just going to die any ways or why would you want to live with basically no mental capacity or physical capacity, in my own opinion it just depletes your dignity. So if somebody is terminally ill, really old, or extremely physically/mentally damaged it should be legal.
The problem with mercy killing is the aspect of morality attached into it. had we been talking here of dogs or cats, probably there would be less problem. For instance, if I were given the power to decide on a specific assisted suicide case I might still find it hard even if it is completely legal. Why? It is because we are talking here of a human life -- something irreversible once gone.
Nobody should be able to tell you what you can and cannot do with the life given to you. That said it would not be wise to assist someone if there is any doubt as to there mental competency to make such a decision. This becomes more complicated in instances where the individual is unable to speak for themselves. I think unless a great deal of pain from a condition is involved that the decision should favor living.
Euthanasia is a very debated topic. People who are suffering a lot seek an easy way out by opting to die. But in the society we live in, it poses a moral and ethical problem. While some societies might accept it, the majority doesn't . Personally, if I were in such a state wear the pain is unbearable and I was dying a slow death, I would have gladly. chosen mercy killing. Where does the "Do not resuscitate clause come into play on this topic ?"
I believe Dr. Kilvorkian had the right idea when he was willing to help people make a peaceful exit from this life time. It's all about compassion from my point of view. We care about our beloved pets enough to help them 'slip out of their bodies' so why wouldn't we do that with...and for...each other? I think it would be interesting to take a vote on it.