Haha it was filmed so if I get a link I'll show ya! I didn't care if I won or not, I was in it for the free ice-cream! The guy even said 'We have some people eating faster than life here... and then we have a few people taking it easy!' xD
Ohhh lots lol, 6 kids in the house is just very noisy. Helped with homework and computer games, played with the wii with some of them etc
been on here assissted Rick in his staff permissions issue helped remove moods had coffee played xbox and thinking about making dinner lol
Got up, showered and dressed, went out driving, got back, came on here, went to see my niece, and I'm going to take her to the shops in a minute with my neighbour (shes 9!) and then come home, have dinner and sleep
Cheers Rick, I have spent the weekend with a friend and now back home. Doggie is asleep and i wont be far from me bed lol
Ive been to work, which involved going to the park and playing on the swings and the slide, and we then went for a little walk and after that it was a little painting session before babe crashed in the high chair lol such a hard life.
I have been having a group of 40 winks, as i was up most of the night in crazy! creative melt-down lol